2022 - What I did today
Farendwoman Offline
Not done it yet, but going to plant out the only seven beans that germinated (out of twenty) and sow some more.
Also will be planting out some argyranthemums in a clump somewhere and pricking out/potting up yet more sweet peas for successional growing. Blimey - “successional growing” - I sound like I know what I’m doing!
Also going to henna my hair if anyone’s interested!
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JJB Offline
Of course we're interested, wait for the menfolk to query what henna is. Smile then we need a pic for the rogues gallery Big Grin
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Farendwoman Offline
Ha ha ha!,
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Farendwoman Offline
My husband says “Oh , is it cow pancake day again?”
And gets out his rubber gloves!
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JJB Offline
At the mention of the Rogues Gallery to FEW. I've just refreshed my memory of what you motley lot look like.  So interesting.  Vinny has your beard grown to viking standards yet?
FEW, you've not bit the bullet, any chance of a mugshot?
Here's the thread if you want to have a look at some of us.  There's quite a lot missing though. Anymore takers?  No pressure    (believe that if you want but you'd be wrong, of course I'm pressurising you) Big Grin

Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Farendwoman Offline
you'll have to wait till the hair is coloured - not showing off my roots to any of ya!
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
So far, I've:

* Put Sarriss's mystery beans, runner beans, Lima beans,and dwarf french beans to soak ahead of being baggy sown.

* Sown the climbing french beans I baggy sowed last week.

* Pricked out some salvia.

* Planted out my pot grown broad beans.

* Planted out some multi-sown radishes.

* Planted out some perennial kale.

* First succession sowing of carrots (should be the second, but I didn't have the compost in time).

* Sown salsify and scorzonera.

* Second cucumber sowing (I've somehow acquired two new varieties since the first...)

* Potted on some parsley.
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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SarrissUK Offline
Oh Pros, I tried soaking them before planting and they fell apart. When I direct sowed them, they grew! I'd take them out of that water luv, sorry!

Sounds like you've been busy Smile I'm recovering from a girly day and night sesh in Lincoln yesterday. Feeling a little tired today lol
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Broadway Offline
(01-05-2022, 03:09 PM)Proserpina Wrote: So far, I've:

* Put Sarriss's mystery beans, runner beans, Lima beans,and dwarf french beans to soak ahead of being baggy sown.

* Sown the climbing french beans I baggy sowed last week.

* Pricked out some salvia.

* Planted out my pot grown broad beans.

* Planted out some multi-sown radishes.

* Planted out some perennial kale.

* First succession sowing of carrots (should be the second, but I didn't have the compost in time).

* Sown salsify and scorzonera.

* Second cucumber sowing (I've somehow acquired two new varieties since the first...)

* Potted on some parsley.
Baggy sown?
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
(01-05-2022, 05:47 PM)Broadway Wrote:
(01-05-2022, 03:09 PM)Proserpina Wrote: So far, I've:

* Put Sarriss's mystery beans, runner beans, Lima beans,and dwarf french beans to soak ahead of being baggy sown.

* Sown the climbing french beans I baggy sowed last week.

* Pricked out some salvia.

* Planted out my pot grown broad beans.

* Planted out some multi-sown radishes.

* Planted out some perennial kale.

* First succession sowing of carrots (should be the second, but I didn't have the compost in time).

* Sown salsify and scorzonera.

* Second cucumber sowing (I've somehow acquired two new varieties since the first...)

* Potted on some parsley.
Baggy sown?
Onto wet kitchen towel in a bag. Essentially chitting rather than sowing. I've had varying success, but it seems to work well for most larger seeds that need to be at room temperature. I don't think I'll ever try it for anything in the propagator again though!
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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