2022 - What I did today
Bren Offline
Potted on my toms gave a spare to a neighbour for his lean-too I've only 2 more spares to find home for.
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Broadway Offline
Took the remainder of the 30ltr potato containers to the plot
Regards..........Danny Smile
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JJB Offline
Well, I had planned a gh day but the grand plan changed. P cut the grass, so prior to the addition of mowings I wanted to stir this season's compost, then helped the silly old breathless blighter to take mowings up the garden to the compost. Noticed the fruit cage was harbouring masses of weeds, bittercress and (I think) valarian, with the bittercress all but seeding, so to save myself a load of weeding work later, set about weeding the cage. Then looked at the nicely cut grass and weeded cage and thought it would look better with the grass edges cut. After lunch put up the pea netting. Poor old gh never got a look in.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Did some weeding in the dwarf orchard. Cut back the dead branches on the Weigela and an Elder and hoicked out some brambles that were growing beneath them.
Took accidental cuttings of Purple sage and Pineapple Sage - shoved them in a bucket of water and left them to it.
Sowed CFBs but that's on another thread.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
Lots of seed sowing today. Also got my peacock orchid, freesia, and ranunculus bulbs/claws into pots. I moved a few indoor things to the greenhouse and did some pricking out/potting on. I am still very short of little pots and haven't been to pick any more up, even though I intended to do that (and my grocery shopping) today. Ah well, will have to wait until Monday now.
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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SarrissUK Offline
I went to that Swedish shop and got what we need for the bathroom (plus a few things we didn't know we needed until we saw them). My greenhouse shelves got delivered today, but no bolts yet, so without them I can't do much with the greenhouse.
Instead, while the footy was on, I went outside and painted the fence, second coat, and then the back fence got some protection too, as we're not likely to get down the side of that greenhouse very often once it's up.
Then Jay came out and we cut the grass, strimmed the edges, chased after Effie the rottweiler who ran out of the back gate, very naughty lol
Composted the cuttings with cardboard in between.
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Garrett Offline
Weeded the raised bed in preparation for the salad crops once they're a bit bigger.
Pruned various shrubs: forsythia, weigela, lonicera, fatsia.
Sowed various basils.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Emptied 2 x 30ltr buckets of last year's Hotbin compost into the new courgette and bean bed. I'll be growing the courgettes in 5 tiers of a wormery so they're like 5 x square foot beds.
Cut some chard from GH1 for dehydrating and dug up the roots. Replanted them in the random garden near the gooseberries and blueberries.
Sown about 60 vintage courgette seeds.
Planted 3 Beth Alpha cucumber plants in a tub in GH1.
Gave the chickens a holiday by putting them in the old pond cage. Its fully netted so they're safe and they enjoyed pecking around somewhere new. They're not tempted by the pond so the tadpoles weren't in danger.
Did some mindless pruning of fruit bushes and trees.
Marvelled at the quince and pear tree - both parts of which are flowering for the first time. Wonder whether they'll fruit this year? The quince part is the rootstock - its meant to be a pear tree.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
Supervised MrPP on the mower, strimmed fruit garden, around the fruit trees and began on the veg garden paths.
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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SarrissUK Offline
I've grouted some today in the bathroom. We would've had more done, but we need one more cement board, and W1ckes is shut so that stopped play!

So, I finally got started on the greenhouse and the puzzle that it is to put one together. Most parts had been broken down into their smallest units, and I don't understand why the guy insisted on doing that. It's so much easier if you keep big bits together, but anyhow...

Starting with the front where the door is - that was in fairly big bits, so didn't take much to figure out. The back was similar, but of course not the same, so that took a little longer. It made it SO much easier that I had gone around on the inside and wrote numbers on all the corresponding pieces on them, and drew symbols to match parts up. Jay was laughing at me at the time saying I was clever... but today he realised just how clever that is lol
We managed to figure out the pieces that had been repaired and replaced too, so now we just need more bolts, and a few more hours to put the whole thing together. I'm very happy with that, and we probably spent four hours solid on it so far (not counting the base that I put together a couple of weeks ago).

I've also potted on an orchid into a bigger pot. Smile
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  • Can the Man, Garrett, Mark_Riga, Proserpina, Veggie

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