2022 - What I did today
Broadway Offline
(09-04-2022, 08:35 PM)Veggie Wrote: Take care, Pros. Gardening can wait until you're better.
Ditto take care
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
(09-04-2022, 07:44 PM)Veggie Wrote: Continued work on the "was 3 GHs" area - cutting down the brambles behind the frames and the wayward raspberries. Hard to believe that I used to grow runner beans and strawberries there once upon a time. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to rejuvenate the raspberries that are there. They look healthy but it need of pruning. You can never have too many raspberries. Big Grin
These are the 3 GHs, after the debris netting was removed but before the roof came off.   

The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Afternoon all

It was bright this morning so after hanging the washing out, Kato and I had a long walk to Helen's grave to see if the rabbits had been burrowing again? They hadn't thank goodness, as I have filled holes in twice and re-seeded the area three times. While I was there I cleared away the dying flowers and watered the ones that were still in bloom.

On returning hme I made a rather tasty Sunday dinner with slow cooked steak & kidney and all the trimmigs.

After an hour playing on the computer allowing my meal to settle I got the chainsaw out and cut up a load of wood I had stashed at the top of the garden then barrowed the cut logs closer to my house door, ready for use.

Another, shorter walk with Kato this afternoon followed by getting the washing in and putting the chainsaw away leaves me ready to sit dwn and watch last nights boxing which I had recorded. A perfect end to the day. Smile
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
Did a bit of GH pottering, garden mooching and seedling spotting in the morning. Chased a Great tit out of GH1 - found greenfly on the DFBs in GH4. Wonder there that bird went as it has a job to do.
Went out to collect freebies then to Morries for a yellow sticker hunt. Lots of people clustered around the marked down shelves - little old me didn't stand a chance of reaching anything. However, one of the regulars I've been meeting in the aisles for years appeared and he's tall with long arms that could reach over the front row - so he'd pull things out for me to inspect and replace them if I didn't like what I saw. For some reason he thinks I have cats and that I want meat to feed them. I keep telling him its dogs and they'll eat anything - even the black pudding and haggis that I brought home! Lots of cream cakes too and 4 pints of whipping cream for 10p. Not sure how I'll whip it but it sounds like fun. Big Grin
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Farendwoman Offline
Lucky you on the marked down stuff.
I had 2 lots of 4 pints of whipping cream about 6 months ago from Morrisons. (Marked down of course!). Other half laughed “what the hell are you going to do with all that?”. I froze it all in Asda “little boxes” (fabulous little sets of four containers for a quid). It is still brilliant six months later - let it thaw, whip it up and use it just like ordinary whipped cream. One of my best buys!
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SarrissUK Offline
I love yellow stickered whipping cream - I make butter with it, if there's not enough room in the freezer (though I can always find a little room in the freezer lol)
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Farendwoman Offline
(10-04-2022, 08:19 PM)Farendwoman Wrote: Lucky you on the marked down stuff.
I had 2 lots of 4 pints of whipping cream about 6 months ago from Morrisons. (Marked down of course!). Other half laughed “what the hell are you going to do with all that?”. I froze it all in Asda “little boxes” (fabulous little sets of four containers for a quid). It is still brilliant six months later  - let it thaw, whip it up and use it just like ordinary whipped cream. One of my best buys!
These are the Asda little boxes - they are brilliant! I have such a neat and tidy freezer and fridge since discovering these. And hardly ever have too use plastic bags or cling film nowadays.  Blimey makes me sound like an obsessively tidy person, when in fact I am a complete hoarder with a problem!     
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SarrissUK Offline
Today I haven't left the house. But I was up fairly early for a Sunday and was out in the garden straight after breakfast. Beautiful sunny day!

My carrots have germinated that I sowed in the old, filled-in pond! That's despite the dogs running up and down over them since I sowed them lol

I spent the whole day tidying up, stacking pots, spreading out the old pond liner and cleaning it up a bit, then folding it and putting away - you never know what uses I can find for it in the future Smile
I've placed a couple of paving slabs in front of the compost bins, binned loads of rubbish that the previous owners left, burnt lots of bushes that I dug up a few weeks ago that have dried sufficiently to burn them - first time I've used the burning bin we found in Te$co for £4 last year!
I have removed more rubble - just a little bit more to go!
All this whilst Jay replaced the old shower, with all that comes with doing plumbing - nothing was easy for him, bless him. Turns out that it was the switch in the ceiling that had been burnt, so the shower had probably not broken at all. But, the new shower is beautiful and sleek and fits well with the tiles Smile
I think I've caught the sun a bit today - how lovely it is to have a bit of colour!
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Didn’t get to do any gardening yesterday as I had to attend the funeral of my brothers mother in law, and afterwards went for a drive with my dinner and we ended up in a gastro pub for dinner.

Today got up and spread chicken manure pellets, granulated seaweed then rotovated it in. Then I set up a bed for my onions, mixed white and two different types of yellow ones. Covered it in netting. I also sprayed the thistles and dock leaves with Roundup. It’s the only way to get rid of these weeds, I’ve tried digging the previously but they grow back. 

Checked my chitted Purple Rain 2nd earlies, and my mains Maris Piper.

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Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
Busy weekend doing chores so the garden was rather sidelined apart from a mammoth grass cut and the usual hokey cokey with plants from the house to the gh to outside and back. Had another frost on Saturday night so everything had to come back into the house again!!
Yesterday voted in the Presidential elections for the first time, and being a tiny community everybody knows everybody so the whole voting procedure (it's done in the Mairie) becomes a quite a chatathon and takes a while!
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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