2022 - What I did today
SarrissUK Offline
I had a couple of hours shifting some compost out of big metal containers into the old pond, but I had to stop before I ran out of compost, as it's a friend's birthday and we went into Brigg for lunch and cake. Lovely day today, and I wish I could've stayed out in it all day. Happy as a pig in... compost Smile
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JJB Offline
Stirred composts, sowed seed, weeded. P raked moss out of the lawn.  He's had a busy day poor lamb and is all puffed out (a semi-permanent state these days Sad ) so we're enjoying  a cuppa in the late afternoon sunshine.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Baldy Offline
Allotment committee meeting for a couple of hours which included a quick plot inspection. Sowed some little gem lettuce and tidied a couple of bags of rubbish from the plot. Washed the windows at home to keep Mrs B happy.
Bit of rugby on the telly...
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Seeing as its bright I intend to don my wellies, bundle Kato into the car and take him to Hisehope reservoir where I hope to re-capture my youth (my Uncle was the bailiff who lived at the waterboard cottage on site) and walk with him all the way around reservoir! A fairly rugged walk through deep heather from what I remember, so wish me luck! Rolleyes
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Garrett Offline
It was a nice sunny day so I went out to prune the roses. I also chopped back my bronze fennel (lots of those!), a cotoneaster and a shrubby lonicera.

Looking around I saw that the pineapple sage seems to have survived being outside. I have cuttings on the windowsill, but the ones I planted into a sunny border are showing new growth.

It'll be interesting to see which tender plants have survived. I tend to leave all the summer bedding in situ at the end of the season and tidy up in spring. I'm intrigued.
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Arrived back from my wilderness walk so no need to send a search party out. Rolleyes

Here's a few piccies of one of my favourite areas. Cool

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
I had a lovely morning in the garden. I've finished tidying the inside of the greenhouse and done lots of long-overdue general tidying up of greenery that has died back. I've raked lots of grass out of the rockery, but there's a lot still there. I have pruned the vibernum which has clearly not had anything done to it for several years. I think a lot of things in the garden are going to get a rather harsh pruning this year in the hope I can get them back on track with some tough love. Of course, I don't really know what I'm doing so it's just a case of chopping until things look okay!

Finally, I have made my first bed in anticipation of being able to sow my first outdoor radishes in the not too distant future. It doesn't look very pretty so far (disadvantage of not using raised beds), but I'm sure it will look better once things are growing.
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Beautiful day for a walk, Vinny. Thanks for the photos.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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JJB Offline
Wonderful scenery there Vinny, no wonder its a favourite place.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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JJB Offline
I started clearing the shed bench, I think it was on my list of jobs week one Big Grin amazing what you find underneath the debris from last year.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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