Today we have 2 windows now.
View from our bedroom window
With it being a Sunday we didn’t start the generator until 10 am because we’re very aware holidaymakers one side. And we didn’t work on late because we went to see friends who are also building. We’re using their build as a physical how to guide

. They’re having professional builders do theirs and they’re a bit farther ahead than us. So it’s very handy.
When we got back this evening we had a phone call from the owner of the holiday cottage. One of the cottages I clean as it happens

. So obviously we know her very well as it’s a small village and I work with her every Saturday morning. She informed us the the tenants have complained about the build noise. Luckily she is behind us 100% and was just telling us of the situation. Apparently she advised them to contact the letting agent to see if there are any other properties available

. There aren’t, the island is ridiculously busy at the moment.
We were waiting for someone to start whining and it’s happened

. We’ll be starting the generator at 8.30 tomorrow morning. Because oddly enough we’re approaching this as a real job and doing full days work. Also the house kit is considerably more vulnerable partly constructed. So we’ve got to get of with it.
So Mr grumpy tourists can just …………..