2021 - What I did today
Eyren Offline
Hardy perennial
Checked my seed trays this morning and they had a fine coat of grey mould on them, like frost! I searched online and the advice was that it's normal but indicates the compost is too damp, which makes sense since it was very warm yesterday and the propagator lids were covered in condensation. I've left off the lids so the compost can dry out a bit, and am keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't affect the seeds. Oddly enough my home-made compost was not affected, and the lettuce in there is all sprouting Smile

Out in the garden I took the Thermacrop cover off the winter bed as the garlic is getting quite tall, and moved it over to the next bed after planting out my broad beans seedlings. I also planted a few sweet peas in places where they can climb - but away from where I'm growing edible peas, since they're mildly poisonous.
How much veg and wildlife can I pack into a 6m x 8m garden in suburban Cambridge? Let’s find out!  Smile
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
(21-03-2021, 10:12 PM)Small chilli Wrote: Started the war on Fungus gnats.

Good luck!
What's your strategy?
I'm using the odd squirt of pyrethrum down at the base of the plants, letting the poor things dry right out and using the vacuum cleaner - holding it in one hand and using the other to disturb the trays. Comedy gold and fraught with danger Undecided Big Grin
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Spec Offline
Have spent most of the day waiting for an emergency plumber, got a leak at at the sink, had to get down on my backside to get into the main valve, and the usual always at the lowest point, got the water off and really struggled to get back up onto my feet, so decided to use my insurance,I have had plumbing covered for years but never used it in the past, but needs must so contacted my insurance company about one-o-clock and still waiting, no water no tea and no patience Rolleyes
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Evening all

Had a long walk with dog this morning in the sunshine. Didn't get back until afternoon. Made 'Her who must be obeyed' some hot food then went to the allotment for a couple of hours.

Colder now so lit the wood burner and sitting here chilling out. Big Grin

Took a few piccies while I was out.
One of my dog, two of  far from normal signposts, two of trees where something has been scratching itself, one of which had hair on it, and the others were just parts of our walk. Smile

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"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Broadway Offline
- Planted beetroot, chard, spinach, turnip, kohlrabi, perpetual spinach, and pea seedlings at the plot

- Resown and potted on some seeds
Regards..........Danny Smile
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JJB Offline
Transferred a tomato and chilli from windowsill to GH. Repotted Red Robin and Anaheim chilli. I have a baby tomato! Pricked out some mimulus and some rooted begonia cuttings. P cut back lawn for the first time this season.
Sowed a few rows of carrots
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Bren Offline
Potted on lettuce into newspaper pots, they'll stay in them until they're big enough to go in a bed or trough.
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Broadway Offline
Popped into town for a couple of bits from Iceland then slinked into Wilko where I got some more Broadbeans & Beetroot, plus some Sweetcorn. Also got 2 x 2.5kg bags of seed pots.

Sowed 33 Broadbeans at the plot.

Brought some wood home from the plot to try and make the raspberry supports thingySmile
Regards..........Danny Smile
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doublyjonah Offline
Went to the plot with the little one. She diligently helped me plant onion sets. So many onion sets and not all in! Note to self: do not be persuaded to buy multiple sets by the kilo in the future...
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Bren Offline
Put some peas to soak later this evening they'll be going into the sprouter. once they've chitted they'll be sown into guttering.
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