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Garden & Gossip Question Time - very loosely based on GQT
You, the "listeners" are invited to submit your gardening questions to the Panel (all of us) who will share their knowledge and experience and strange sense of humour in their answers.
The listener will be asked to decide which answer was the most helpful.
Please submit your questions , with photos if helpful, below and the "Panel" will be pleased to help.
Thank you
You, the "listeners" are invited to submit your gardening questions to the Panel (all of us) who will share their knowledge and experience and strange sense of humour in their answers.
The listener will be asked to decide which answer was the most helpful.
Please submit your questions , with photos if helpful, below and the "Panel" will be pleased to help.
Thank you
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.