Yesterday I found a pot of rescued, dried crocus corms that were beginning to sprout, so I planted them out with fingers crossed they might flower. Also found a few straggly wallflowers in a tray, they got bunged in. Of all the onion seeds I sowed previously, only a few Ailsa Craig popped, so sowed some new Bedfordshire Champion seeds. Put some saved BB and sweet peas to soak and put some BB in modules too. I checked the babbington leeks and elephant garlic, both of which are sprouting, which pleases me greatly. Thanks for the bulbils Veggie. The few overwintered plants of pinks, antirrhinum and even a gazania seem to have survived the cold so far. Most of my penstemon cuttings seem to have taken although my snail begonia is a dead loss. Shame, I was looking forward to having one of those.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club