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I've got three big ones (how's that for a sentence start ). Two are well over 35 yrs old and thermostatically controlled and take 3 big seed trays each. One is definitely an Autogrow P40 the other was mother's and possibly Autogrow AP50 but I'm not sure, but both are no longer made. They're simila to the EP50. The third is a Garland Big 3 but no adjustable thermostat it runs at 19°C . P made me wooden frames to replace the plastic covers which have long ago shattered, and I covered the frames with thick clear flexible plastic like they use on boats for windows. They all work well, the two old ones are still going, although every year I expect them to fail through old age. P has taken the oldest (mother's) apart and mended the electronics once but otherwise all three do what they say on the tin. I do like the controllable ones though, I don't always feel the need to run at a high temperature and they can be scaled back.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club