#33 |
Three scrambled buttered eggs for brekkie with chilli flakes added. I have a couple of sirloin steaks in fridge which will probably be used later. I am snowed in at the moment and can't get car out. Even if I did, the roads are treacherous.
I am not too bothered as it is a way of emptying the freezer which is bursting at the seams. I remember when we lived in the sticks getting snowed in for six weeks at a time as a kid. I really enjoyed the time off school! I could walk a mile and get a bus I suppose,but I aint that desperate yet and haven't used my bus pass since I got it, over five years ago!
I am not too bothered as it is a way of emptying the freezer which is bursting at the seams. I remember when we lived in the sticks getting snowed in for six weeks at a time as a kid. I really enjoyed the time off school! I could walk a mile and get a bus I suppose,but I aint that desperate yet and haven't used my bus pass since I got it, over five years ago!
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons