#570 |
Weeded VP2 then moved onto Strip 3, Bed 20 to be exact, I know that because I found its Number hanging from a hazel tree. Its been there a while!!
A while back I covered a patch of weedy grass with some pond liner to kill of the weeds. It did the job, apart from killing the docks and nettles. Today, I've been digging these out. So satisfying when a long Dock root pulls out cleanly.
I'm undecided what to do with this patch but I need to do something before the weeds grow back. I'm toying with making it a soft fruit bed, all plants to be grown from cuttings - in other words, prune some fruit bushes and stick the cuttings in the ground to do their own thing. The alternative is filling it with wild flowers - or maybe do both!!
A while back I covered a patch of weedy grass with some pond liner to kill of the weeds. It did the job, apart from killing the docks and nettles. Today, I've been digging these out. So satisfying when a long Dock root pulls out cleanly.
I'm undecided what to do with this patch but I need to do something before the weeds grow back. I'm toying with making it a soft fruit bed, all plants to be grown from cuttings - in other words, prune some fruit bushes and stick the cuttings in the ground to do their own thing. The alternative is filling it with wild flowers - or maybe do both!!
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.