I'm not talking about me personally although my Mother thought I was beautiful (she had to say that!). I'm talking about vegetables and my preference to choose smaller varieties of veg/fruit in the belief that they'll mature faster and, perhaps, taste fresher than bigger, more mature veg.
For example, I don't attempt to grow beefsteak tomatoes - preferring small/medium sized ones.
Courgettes definitely win over marrows. I'm struggling to even sow those Giant pumpkins (sorry SC/JJB).
Baby leeks - not the huge ones they wave about at shows.
Small cucumbers, not the bigguns.
Small sweet lettuce - not big floppy things.
etc etc.
How about you?
For example, I don't attempt to grow beefsteak tomatoes - preferring small/medium sized ones.
Courgettes definitely win over marrows. I'm struggling to even sow those Giant pumpkins (sorry SC/JJB).
Baby leeks - not the huge ones they wave about at shows.
Small cucumbers, not the bigguns.
Small sweet lettuce - not big floppy things.
etc etc.
How about you?
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.