#74 |
Tom, Trevor, Tracy & Tina traveled to Toronto. They experienced terrible turbulence on the flight. Trevor was terrified and needed new trousers.
Toronto treated them to tornados & torrential rain. So they found the nearest tavern and hit the tequila. While on their way to being totally trollied Tom gave Tina a turquoise & tourmaline engagement ring. Everyone had a toast to celebrate the occasion. It’s only going to corse trouble when they sober up. Tom started the Toronto tour with Tracy.
Toronto treated them to tornados & torrential rain. So they found the nearest tavern and hit the tequila. While on their way to being totally trollied Tom gave Tina a turquoise & tourmaline engagement ring. Everyone had a toast to celebrate the occasion. It’s only going to corse trouble when they sober up. Tom started the Toronto tour with Tracy.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.