May 2020
(15-03-2023, 11:31 PM)JJB Wrote: (15-03-2023, 11:13 PM)Scarlet Wrote: (15-03-2023, 04:57 PM)JJB Wrote: No advice from me, although I did look at hot bin prices this morning and frightened myself. Never had a wormery. I'm sticking with the 3 Bay + kitchen veg waste system that seems to work for me. Everything but weeds go into it, without too much care and consideration. You can get a discounted green joanna for £60 as a Wiltshire resident /
I bought my composters and original wormery as iffers from wilts recycling schemes
Yes I've seen that offer Scarlet, but I've yet to understand how a green joanna is classed as a hotbin, as any pictures or drawings I've seen of them show very little insulation. In reality I can't really justify any more compost bins, hot or otherwise. A friend has one and it definitely produces compost much faster than my daleks