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(12-07-2020, 09:55 AM)Broadway Wrote: As some of you would have seen from previous threads this year was a bit of the test / see what happens on the plot with the first year of planting.Did they flower well, Danny? Or just not try to fruit at all this year?
This brings me on to my strawberries, these are 2 years old and to date I’ve had little or no fruit. My assumption is this is because I’ve overcrowded the bed and cut little or no runners off, would this be correct?
Anyway I spent an hour this morning weeding and pruning and have circa 18 new plants for their new, better prepared bed next year?
Isn’t it wonderful how easy they are to propagate?
Ours flowered and set fruit, but were early with the warm weather in the spring and then suffered from the dryness during that period. They were pretty small compared with last year.
And then the birds ate much of what made it to ripeness.