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There are many things that children don't get taught now, and not just at school, as adults we are responsible for failing to ensure that children know where their food comes from, and sadly it is not the present generation of parents who are responsible for that, but my generation, we were seduced into thinking we needed 24 hr entertainment and as we couldn't pause or record the quick ready meal was ideal which then became a habit and now the norm. how many of us sit at a table with the family for an evening meal, I know my son does but not my daughter, before anyone thinks this has nothing to do with gardening, when we as a family sat at the table for a meal occasionally the type of veg would be discussed and possibly where/how it was grown, just a little bit of knowledge passed on in conversation, I think these things make a difference so just to finish, rather than charging higher prices for sugar and salt, cut back the hours of TV that would make a difference to peoples health :rolleyes: