For my dahlia rows I've used my old electric fence that stopped working from my chicken keeping days -
Seems to work well - was cheap - and you can't see it as they leaf up more.
Anyway a back to the willow ones. Has anyone had a go? What sticks did you use?
Also a friend has a migwelder?? He did say I could use it but I need to use it in his garage. Are they worth a go to make some nicer looking supports? Maybe getting out of my league here - but I always assume I can do it
Seems to work well - was cheap - and you can't see it as they leaf up more.
Anyway a back to the willow ones. Has anyone had a go? What sticks did you use?
Also a friend has a migwelder?? He did say I could use it but I need to use it in his garage. Are they worth a go to make some nicer looking supports? Maybe getting out of my league here - but I always assume I can do it