#17 |
(14-06-2021, 02:55 PM)JJB Wrote: Yours are bushier than mine (would you believe autocorrect put 'bustier' ) some wresting in very small pots. Grafting seems to work well for you.
The main reason I graft is so that I can plant in the border soil so watering is not as critical. At about this time otherwise, the plant would start getting sickly and I would end up with just 3 or possibly 4 trusses of fruit on them. I think it is a wilt which may have been introduce with growing strawberries in the greenhouse one year.
They might look bushier as I let 2 vines grow on each plant reducing the number of plants needed. Also 2 of them are Roma VF which is not a cordon variety. These are supposed to be wilt resistant and I was thinking if they grow well, I would try using them as a rootstock to graft onto next year as I could save seeds from these.