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I've been super busy with getting my dahlias in. They really have taken up a huge amount of time.
I'm not growing as many beans this year - I didn't manage to get my frames up in time! I will sow some more today. I have cut down hugely on the veg growing but I thinks it's probably enough for two.
I've a few courgettes, 20+ tomatoes, 5 cucumbers - only 2 in the borders so far, maybe about 80 beans - some poles still empty!! 2 per pole.
Dahlias in the veg plot -136 plants. I've rummaged through the builders scrap wood and got some decent stakes and I've started to string the old chicken electric fence across.....I'm hoping the dahlias will be supported when they grow through it and I don't have to spend ages tying in. I have lots more in the garden.
Lots of beetroot and lettuce in to. More beetroot to go in today if I have the energy.