#13 |
(14-03-2021, 11:43 AM)mcdood Wrote: I took it for a test run this morning and I like it. Runs through the soil surface a lot easier and more accurately than I ever could with my Dutch Hoe, chops the weeds with ease and tills the soil quite nicely. If I could change one thing I'd have had a slightly longer handle but then again I do have backache atm
I remember reading/seeing somewhere that English gardening tools have much shorter handles than European ones - maybe it was on the Implementations website? I can't remember the explanation, though - maybe it was the Victorians not caring if their gardeners developed bad backs, or maybe it's just because people were shorter in those days?
(On a side note, I do remember someone saying that the reason a lot of surviving historical clothing is so small is because it would often have been taken in when it was handed down to a younger sibling, not because adults were tiny!)
How much veg and wildlife can I pack into a 6m x 8m garden in suburban Cambridge? Let’s find out!