#4 |
Alliums and brassicas are usually left to look after themselves as watering small amounts little and often makes them surface root and even more prone to drought.
Legumes need water, especially runner beans which have a lot of leaf to keep turgid. Carrots and parsnips can usually find water deep down once established.
Cucurbits need water because of there leaf size and evap-otranspiration.
So I usually water squashes /courgettes plus peas and beans first.
Legumes need water, especially runner beans which have a lot of leaf to keep turgid. Carrots and parsnips can usually find water deep down once established.
Cucurbits need water because of there leaf size and evap-otranspiration.
So I usually water squashes /courgettes plus peas and beans first.
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons