#81 |
Door 7 is hiding Schizandra rubriflora - Chinese Magnolia Vine which apparently has edible fruit. https://pfaf.org/User/plant.aspx?latinna...rubriflora
Seems to be another climbing vine - if all that I've sown recently grow, My garden will turn into Jungle-like with hanging vines dripping from every tree and structure and I'll need a machete to hack my way through it!
Seems to be another climbing vine - if all that I've sown recently grow, My garden will turn into Jungle-like with hanging vines dripping from every tree and structure and I'll need a machete to hack my way through it!
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.