Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
(23-03-2021, 03:56 PM)Broadway Wrote: I got some Incredible (f1) in Wilko today, mainly because that's all they hadSmile
I've grown those before, they were quite good. Cool
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Broadway Offline
Morning folks

Ok my sweetcorn which is in the house has started to germinate, is it warm enough to put them out into a blowaway?

Same question for my sunflowersSmile
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
(19-05-2021, 08:01 AM)Broadway Wrote: Morning folks

Ok my sweetcorn which is in the house has started to germinate, is it warm enough to put them out into a blowaway?

Same question for my sunflowersSmile
I have both sunflowers and sweetcorn in the greenhouse at the moment. Don't know whether they should be or not, but needs must. Rolleyes
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Admin Offline
The Boss
I have delayed putting mine out purely because its still quite a chilly wind, after another 7/10 days I will have no choice
I am only the Boss because Veggie lets me be!
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JJB Offline
Mine are in the greenhouse where temps have fluctuated between 3 and 30° at the moment the unpopped tray has a propagator cover over it but no bottom heat. You've reminded me to check on it today. The tray that's popped and has greenery about 1-2" tall is also in greenhouse just minding it's own business and hopefully growing. If you're still getting frosts (we're warned about frost Thursday) then the blow away might be a bit chill at night but the seedlings would probably love the light. Is it possible to put them out in the day and bring them in overnight for a while?
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JJB Offline
Picasso cobs

Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
Sweetcorn advice sought please. Big Grin I'm out of my depth with these - having never grown an edible cob! I have 1500+ Goldcrest seeds, about 100 Minipop, 50 Earlibird, and a packet of RealSeeds Special Swiss open pollinated corn.
Last year I sowed some Goldcrest on 18/6/24. Clearly, this was far too late! They grew to about a foot high before winter arrived!
I want to try again this year.
My question to the panel is:-
Which of these would you grow and when?
Can I grow a Big one and a Minipop? I can separate them by 25' if that's an issue.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
I like your question,but have no idea of the answer? Blush
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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toomanytommytoes Offline
I sow at the beginning of May for planting out in June.

Earlibird and Goldcrest are sh2 aka shrunken-2 aka supersweet. These need to be isolated from all other sweetcorn types. You can isolate by distance or by sowing date:

"Extensive crossing of super sweet varieties with non-super sweet varieties will cause tough, starchy kernels in both types. If you plan to grow both super sweet and non-super sweet varieties, avoid cross-pollination using any one of the following three options: 1) Plant super sweet varieties at least 300 feet from non-super sweet varieties, or 2) Stagger plantings by a 12-day planting date difference and separate each planting by 25 feet, or 3) Plant varieties that will mature at least 12 days apart and separate each planting by 25 feet." - Johnny's Seeds

Minipop doesn't need pollination to produce cobs, but I don't know what happens if it does get pollinated.
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
Thanks TMTT. No wonder I struggle with sweetcorn. They're a bit "sneaky"! Normally, cross pollination between varieties is only a problem if you want to save seeds. With sweetcorn, it makes the fruit inedible. That's just not playing fair!
I'll give it further thought. Maybe try some minipops near the house, perhaps in pots, and Goldcrest down the veg end. Can't do worse than last year. Big Grin
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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