May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
I am paricularily aiming this thread at Veggie who appears to be the yellow sticker Queen.
I do my best, but I am not sure I am making the best out of my yellow sticker forays? I was at Morries after 8.00pm last night and did ok but wondered whether late night shopping closer to closing time each day would make the best use of the yellow sticker quest?
Aldi seem sto be orange stickers with 30% off, but when its best to gain these savings I am not sure?
Lidl seems to reduce to either 20p or 70p?
Not sure about other shops i don't frequent very much.
Tips woud be aopreciated!
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
16-06-2022, 10:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 16-06-2022, 10:10 AM by Scarlet.)
I always used to visit about an hour or two before the shops closed. To have a five minute break from the kids when my husband would read them a story etc.
I rarely go to shops these days - but when I do it is generally later on as I hate shopping and prefer to go when it's quieter - Asda have the reduced shelf stuff in there..but I haven't had huge bargains like I used to. Waitrose really Mark theirs down, again a few hours before closing.
May 2020
I don't go shopping late night so don't know what happens then but - Morries sell Bags of food in the evening on some App ? Too Good to Waste so I imagine there'll be yellow sticker stuff in them. Sunday afternoons used to be my favourite time - closing at 4 - but it was so popular that it became too much of a hassle to get near the reduced stuff and there were always a few pushy ones who would grab everything, throw it in their trolley and sort through it later, meaning the polite shoppers, like me, didn't get a look in. One family were banned from the store for that. 
I recommend getting to know your local store. Pop in every time you're passing and check it out. In mine, they do the first mark down before lunch. Nothing more happens until after 2 when all the lunchtime shoppers have gone back to work. Fresh fish and meat is often marked down again after 2. I buy liver/kidneys for the dogs at that time - about 30/40p a pack - about 25% of normal price.
Chilled products are reduced again late afternoon . then, presumably, giveaway prices later that evening. 95% discount is the best you can hope for.
I have a price in my head that I will pay - eg. Two fillets of salmon £1. Any more and I leave it.
Veg can be reduced at any time - sometimes there's nothing reduced.
If you see something reduced, but still more that you will pay for it, check the Use by date. If its today, it will be reduced further, if its tomorrow it won't be before tomorrow.
I'm told that Aldi reduce by 70% about 7.30 in the evening. Don't know about Lidl - or the other supermarkets.
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
I am going to call in to Morrisons on the way home from my boxing at about 8.30pm............just for a shufty, but will probably be lured by summat.  They don't seem to reduce plants as much now, and if so by only a small amount, so I leave those alone!
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
Their plants have been rubbish recently. I like the challenge of giving a wilting plant a chance but even a defibrillator couldn't give life to some.
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Just out of interest I went back last night after nine (because I was in the neighborhood) to see if late on is always so cheap?  It was, but not quite the same selection.
Still enough for me to have a very cheap dinner today, with stuff I wouldn't normally buy.
You could say that 'yellow stickers' have broadened my horizons!  Or you could ptobably say that I am just a tight git!
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
May 2020
Nice work, Vinny. 
I've never been someone who makes a list or follows a recipe (no surprises there), so the randomness of yellow sticker shopping appeals to me. Was it Ready Steady cook where they gave the entrants a bag of miscellaneous items and they had to make a meal from them? Anyway, that's how I feel!
I don't think of myself as "tight" but that I'm saving food from being wasted.
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
May 2020
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club
May 2020
I went to Morries yesterday and there were NO Yellow stickers anywhere. That's all I look for when I wander round and it was so disappointing.
Then I spotted the baker sticking little white labels on some bread rolls and writing on these stickers. I went back to check the reduced counter and these little white stickers were on everything with the reduced price handwritten on them. It was awful, you had to pick up an item and peer at it closely to read the price - some people's handwriting is appalling.
At checkout, I asked the operator whether they'd run out of yellow stickers - but they haven't. Instead the till scans the original price and the operator has to manually put in the reduced price. Definitely a case for checking your till slip before leaving the store. Not sure how it works if you're scanning your own items as I refuse to do that!
The Moneyless Chicken says:-
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
May 2020
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
(14-07-2022, 09:29 PM)Veggie Wrote: Warning!!!
I went to Morries yesterday and there were NO Yellow stickers anywhere. That's all I look for when I wander round and it was so disappointing.
Then I spotted the baker sticking little white labels on some bread rolls and writing on these stickers. I went back to check the reduced counter and these little white stickers were on everything with the reduced price handwritten on them. It was awful, you had to pick up an item and peer at it closely to read the price - some people's handwriting is appalling.
At checkout, I asked the operator whether they'd run out of yellow stickers - but they haven't. Instead the till scans the original price and the operator has to manually put in the reduced price. Definitely a case for checking your till slip before leaving the store. Not sure how it works if you're scanning your own items as I refuse to do that! I've been to Morries the last two evenings to no avail!  The tight gits must have a national purge on yellow stickered items!
I usually scan my own as there are no manned tills on an evening, just a shop worker wandering around if needed. Sometimes the till recognises the reductions on yellow stickers but quite a few times I have had to summon a shop worker.
Gives me an excuse to delve into the inner reaches of my freezer at home tomorrow for summat for Fishy Friday!.
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons