2022 - What I did today
Spec Offline
(11-02-2022, 10:52 PM)SarrissUK Wrote: Spec, I've never even considered having a fire in a greenhouse... please tell me more. Is this a regular way for you to heat it up? What about smoke? Are you able to regulate the temperature so it doesn't get TOO hot?

The fire that I had in the greenhouse previously was made from a stainless steel tank, onto which I had fitted a door and it was used mainly for providing heat for me when in the greenhouse, I used a propagating bench and heat mats for the plants with a fan circulating cold air for Frost protection, as its usually evening when I work in the greenhouse I had intended to use an electric heater this year but as prices have increased its not economical to do this and as there's a fair supply of wood nearby I have decided to install a proper fire which ofcourse can be controlled. As for smoke, the fire is sound with good seals and the chimney inside the greenhouse is sealed at the joints, I also have a carbon monoxide monitor in place
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SarrissUK Offline
Blimey, it's a good idea Spec! I might have to invest in something like that too. I'd never even thought about that!
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Spec Offline
(12-02-2022, 05:13 PM)SarrissUK Wrote: Blimey, it's a good idea Spec! I might have to invest in something like that too. I'd never even thought about that!
Sarriss when I was a boy and just started work, I worked with men who, provided fresh vegetables weeks before they were due when growing outside and this was due to them growing in hothouses, they all had stoves in their greenhouses, working in a steelworks they got them made by the blacksmiths and there was no shortage of suitable chimneys or fule both wood and coal, anthracite coal being the preferred choice as this was a slow burning coal, evedently I won't be maintaining a hothouse, but I hope to provide frost protection and the fact that I live in a rural area I don't face the same restrictions as someone who lives in a city, though I will endeavour to keep it smoke-free
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SarrissUK Offline
Spec that reminds me of hotbeds with fresh manure heating up. I have unlimited access to horse manure, both fresh and well rotted, and I might set a hotbed up in the big greenhouse for next winter to start things off early on top of that.

Maybe one day I'll have a potbelly stove in it too, not just for heat but for cuppas too lol
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Re Hothouses - the stoves used to heat water in pipes that ran around the hothouse or under the floor. Apparently you can do something similar by using the heat inside a manure heap to heat a water filled hosepipe. Just a thought. Smile
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Proserpina Offline
South Yorkshire
I sowed three different varieties of mustard (giant red, komatsuna, and wasabi) and moved some of my germinated seeds into compost. Veggie's Welsh onion seeds are the winners in the mass onion sowing race - clearly lovely fresh seed! The only onion seeds that are even close are the Red Baron but only about a third of those have germinated so far, whereas almost all Veggie's seeds have got going.

My Containerwise order has been dispatched today and is due to be delivered on Monday. Right after my annual leave is done... Just have to hope it comes when I'm able to answer the door, or one of my neighbours is home to take it! It's not Royal Mail so it may be hard to get hold of if they take it back to their depot. I really need those module trays - it's time for the first radish sowing!!
Formerly self-contained, but expanding my gardening horizons beyond pots!
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JJB Offline
Yesterday pruned waterspouts from apple trees, looked at the pears and had no idea so must research that. Today's raining so I fear I can't put off oven cleaning Sad
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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Scarlet Offline
Super Pest Controller
Raining here too Sad

I've gone up to the greenhouse and opened some of my dahlia boxes to find a few rotten bits so I've carted some into my new kitchen and splitting and repacking. I will start them mid March so not long to go. Labelling all the split ones now will save me time later. I was going to start some off for cuttings but I think I have to many and will end up being overwhelmed.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
(13-02-2022, 02:02 AM)Proserpina Wrote: I sowed three different varieties of mustard (giant red, komatsuna, and wasabi) and moved some of my germinated seeds into compost. Veggie's Welsh onion seeds are the winners in the mass onion sowing race - clearly lovely fresh seed! The only onion seeds that are even close are the Red Baron but only about a third of those have germinated so far, whereas almost all Veggie's seeds have got going.

My Containerwise order has been dispatched today and is due to be delivered on Monday. Right after my annual leave is done... Just have to hope it comes when I'm able to answer the door, or one of my neighbours is home to take it! It's not Royal Mail so it may be hard to get hold of if they take it back to their depot. I really need those module trays - it's time for the first radish sowing!!
Do you have a tracking number for the order? There's usually an option to have parcels left "in a Safe Place". Might be worth you designating one somewhere.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Dug a bucket of spuds, the ground as very soft and wet, dug over a raised bed in the tunnel, 2 more beds to go.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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