2022 - What I did today
SarrissUK Offline
I've done nothing gardening related today other than admiring my pot of ranunculus picotee cafe that I got from Farmer Gracy - they're poking up out of the soil! Smile

Oh and I bought a wheelbarrow for the concrete Smile
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Finally planted the daffodil and tulip bulbs I bought last year. At least I know they're viable as they all had green shoots. Smile
Still have some hyacinths to plant.
Moved a few stray Elephant garlic plants out of a pot and planted them next to some of their brothers and sisters in one of the permanent Ellie G beds.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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  • Broadway, Can the Man, JJB, Norfolk Grey

Bren Offline
Loaded a trailer of wood that I'll be stacking it once its split.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Dug up couch grass - enough to fill a big trug.
Very satisfying when a long strand of root comes out of the soil or a knotted tangle of roots.
This wasn't on my day's agenda but it was in the sun and that's helps my decision making no end.Big Grin
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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  • Bren, Broadway, Can the Man, JJB, MartinH, Norfolk Grey

JJB Offline
Yesterday I continued weeding out bittercress from fruit cage and tidying up strawberries. In there are two blueberries in pots as our soil is alkaline. The pots are set down in the soil a bit for stability. Unfortunately one blueberry looks dead, or very nearly, and has been overrun with raspberries so I dug out the raspberries reluctantly (why is it the best canes are those in the wrong place) then dug out the pot and put outside the cage. Moved the unstable strawberry tower into its new place where old blueberry was.
Gardening is an excuse not to do housework
Greetings from Salisbury
Qualified member of the Confused Nutter's Club 
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
Had a very slow week garden-wise, but did manage to prune the roses yesterday and cut all the edges of the grass paths in the potager.
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
Had a big job on cleaning out the stove stripped it all back and scraped it down, lots of hard soot, then ash vac it. Brought in a load of turf and logs to the bunkers outside the house. Chopped kindling. Then finally got to the tunnel, dug 3 of the raised beds, added BFB, seaweed granules and raked them over, weeded around the herb bed and added BFB and seaweed around the herbs. Watered the herbs and the garlic, checked my heritage carrots they are ready for digging next week. Smile.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Norfolk Grey Offline
Pest Controller
^^^That puts my taming my fig and hacking my bay to shame.
1 seed, 2 seed, 3 seed, 4....
5 seed, 6 seed, 7 seed, more!
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SarrissUK Offline
I've sowed some seeds, admired the toms that have made an appearance, which is quick - only six days to germinate!

I also bought two fruit trees - a Golden Delicious and a Victoria plum. They'll go into pots initially, as we're moving the big stuff around, like the greenhouse and getting rid of sheds. I need the flexibility, so pots it is. I just hope I have some that are big enough! Smile
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  • Broadway, Can the Man, JJB, Norfolk Grey, Veggie

Roitelet Offline
Dig out loads of couch grass not to mention a ton of flint in order to extend a flower bed. More tomorrow I hope then I will add soil from what I call one of the ‘rubbish’ compost heaps. Just where I dump all the stuff I don’t want in the proper compost.
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