2021 - What I did today
PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
Did most of the wwekly sow list - too cold to do the outdoor stuff.
MrPP cut the grass - second cut of the year.
Weeded soft fruit and mulched with clippings. Mulched a couple of the veg beds with clippings, plus some shrubs and trees.
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Spec Offline
(15-03-2021, 06:28 PM)Broadway Wrote:
(15-03-2021, 05:37 PM)Spec Wrote: After my walk this morning I went over the fields and collected some mole hills, then spread it out on a tin sheeting and went over it with one of those weed wands don't think it was warm enough to sterilise all the soil but will wait to see 8f there is any weed germination before using it, after that I went over my flower beds weed them and removed most of the old leaves on my helibore, and Can now see the flowers so much easier, then a friend asked me to cut back his roses for him, got that done and now having a coffee
Hi Spec

I've seen you mention the mole hills before.

Probably a stupid question but I assume it's legal to take the soil? If so there are 100's round hereSmile

Dont know if it's legal Danny, but the field I collect it from is a community field which I have a percentage of, its never used other than folk dumping their garden rubbish, so I collect it from there.
Though years ago it was common practice to collect mole hills, as the more molehills that were in a field the less grazing for cows, plus if farmers, growing for cutting, picked up molehills along with their harvesting, it contaminated their harvest
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Broadway Offline
- Finished manuring another raised bed at the plot

- Had a blood test in town at 08:40, popped into Sainsburys on the way back as I noticed some compost on special earlier in the week. 3 x 40 litre bags for £9, got 3 for now. **** Obviously not as special as the Morrisons one pointed out by Vinny, might have to have a look tomorrow ****
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
Got a lawnmower & watering system out of the shed, cleaned up & a photo shoot, ready to sell. Plucked a goose. Cut back a bit of hedge. Took little smudge the ferret for a play in the orchard, he loved it.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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Bren Offline
Supermarket shopping first thing, weeding then seed sowing in my nice warm GH. Late afternoon was wood stacking after MrB had split it.
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Mark_Riga Offline
Member from Cheshire
Planted 12 rocket potatoes. A bit early but can cover them with fleece if threatened by frost. I've got some swift as well but a late frost got them last year and they never recovered so won't risk those. Pulled a load of brambles from a shrubbery and also a lilac bush.
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Veggie Offline
Super Pest Controller
Cleaned out the chooks and put their bedding in the Hotbin, which led to opening the Hotbin and dragging out some compost from the bottom (a wheelbarrow full) to put on my new rhubarb plants which led to clearing a patch of ground which led to lifting a 4 sided decking board raised bed and remodelling it into a different shape on the cleared ground which led to needing filling material for the bed which was dug out of the original raised bed and barrowed to the new ones which enabled me to plant the 3 rhubarb plants which turned into 6 after a bit of spadework................and the wheelbarrow of compost didn't get used!! I'll use it to top up the rhubarb tomorrow.

Here's a few full stops if you need them .................................
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Can the Man Offline
Can the Man with the van
I sowed around 40 lavender plants at the base of my front fence. The world doubled n taking up weeds and thistles. Tomorrow all going well, I wish be planting some box hedging. Also will be doing the netting on my raised beds.
Coffee keeps me busy until it’s acceptable to drink whiskey.
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Eyren Offline
Hardy perennial
Quiet day today, as I was tired from all the bending and lifting yesterday (but it was well worth it!). Mostly I just went to the garden centre with Mr E and bought a few supplies: bark to finish the paths, some inexpensive compost for the seedlings I intend to sell at work, a big pot for the second blueberry bush, an extra hanging basket and a few more plants. This will be my first "proper" summer in my renovated garden and I'm determined it will be a riot of colour (and yummy edibles)!
How much veg and wildlife can I pack into a 6m x 8m garden in suburban Cambridge? Let’s find out!  Smile
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Spec Offline
Potted on some fuchsia and begonias, then planted out some heat treated onion sets along with other sets that I had growing on in the greenhouse and sowed some broad beans in the garden
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