2020 - Tell us what you did today
Small chilli Offline
Super Pest Controller
I’ve also got one of those apple peeler slicer things. It’s brilliant.
It was me veggie I pinched the sun  Cool .  And while it was sunny I made a good start on the fencing for my little tree plantation.
Builder that would like to go play in the garden.
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
OK, you can have it since its a good cause. I do have the moon though- a huge bright full moon that has just risen over the trees.
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Broadway Offline
Just had a walk down the canal into town to have a couple of pints b4 lockdown2.

Scouted a few areas to get more leaves and found a blackthorn bush.

I picked a few handfuls of sloes although my understanding is it may be a bit early but I can mimick the first frost by freezing them?
Regards..........Danny Smile
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Veggie Online
Super Pest Controller
Yes, bung them in the freezer until you're ready to use them.

Today, I cleared the Black cherry tomato plants from the GH and collected a tray of tomatoes in various stages of ripeness.

Moved 2 Physalis plants in buckets into the GH and pruned them back to new growth. Took a cutting of one leggy shoot. Hope to have a few fruits over winter.
Shooed 2 chooks out of the GH!
The Moneyless Chicken says:- 
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
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Broadway Offline
(03-11-2020, 07:26 PM)Veggie Wrote: Yes, bung them in the freezer until you're ready to use them.

Today, I cleared the Black cherry tomato plants from the GH and collected a tray of tomatoes in various stages of ripeness.

Moved 2 Physalis plants in buckets into the GH and pruned them back to new growth. Took a cutting of one leggy shoot. Hope to have a few fruits over winter.
Shooed 2 chooks out of the GH!
Thanks Veggie
Regards..........Danny Smile
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PyreneesPlot Offline
Mountain Dweller
Weeding and mulching day - new maple trees, asparagus bed, artichokes.
Started trying to clear a patch of comfrey.
Has Anyone Seen the Plot?

Hautes-Pyrénées (65), France
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Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Evening all. Been a nice bright day fishing. Caught no fish, but what the heck, the fresh air and weather made up for it. Big Grin
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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Spec Offline
Watered my new raised bed with some diluted acetic acid (vinigar) also pulled tomatoes and removed the last of my tomato plants from the greenhouse, I have never had tomatoes as late as this before
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  • Bren, Can the Man

Bren Offline
My blackberries have finished so I've cut back the canes tying in the new growth to the wires.
Raked more leaves and gathered saved seeds.
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  • Can the Man, Spec

Vinny Offline
Geordie living 'ower the watter'
Flying visit to the allotment earlier. Raked a previously dug area ready for planting and came away with a bag full of ripe tomatoes. Cool
"The problem with retirement is that you never get a day off"- Abe Lemons
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