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Plants with Memories - Curly - 23-06-2020

Looking at the garden today there were two plants which brought back memories there are actually more but these two in particular one is the rose Zephirine Drouhin which I got as a cutting from an old friend and the other is a peony rose which came from my mother I have lost this 3 or 4 times over the years but got tubers from my sister who in turn has had some from me as we both got our original tubers from our mum's plant I view it as the same plant, do you have any plants with memories

RE: Plants with Memories - Jimny14 - 23-06-2020

Not yet as such. I am in the process of collecting plants that I like from other gardens (my dads iris for instance) I'm hoping to get some cuttings of my grandfathers rose bed as he has recently passed away and his rose garden is a strong memory from my childhood. I have been given various plants for different occasions too (we were recently given an apple "scrumptious" for our wedding) and as gifts from family members.
Thankfully most of the people who I've got plants from so far are still with us, but that will change. I like the fact that I have a garden space that I'm not planning on leaving for a long time that I can fill with plants that remind me of family and friends.

RE: Plants with Memories - Small chilli - 23-06-2020

Purple & pink poppies the original seeds came from my Nan. I’ll always grow tomatoes because my Grandad enjoyed growing a couple of tomatoes every year. He hated all other aspects of gardening.
And I intend on getting a 7 sisters rose for my new garden. Another one of my Nans favourite.

RE: Plants with Memories - Veggie - 23-06-2020

Lots of memories here. I don't know the names of some plants - just the donor's name.

There's Aunt in law Muriel's unnamed shrub that she used in flower arranging. The Bay trees were grown from cuttings from her garden too.
Aunt in law Ethne's yellow leaved fuchsia
Flowers grown from seeds I've been given by friends and in swaps.
A rose from cuttings from my little house down west.
The apple tree from a friend in Herefordshire that has moved house with me twice and still fruits well.

I'm sure there's more!

RE: Plants with Memories - Vinny - 23-06-2020

I remember a trip to Haarogate spring show many moons ago.....on a bus. I bought a semi-mature pampas plume and because there were no seats on the bus I had to stand with this plants spiky leaves poking everyone as they pushed past and sometimes drawing blood. Big Grin

RE: Plants with Memories - JJB - 23-06-2020

Very definitely. A hebe called nana, an azalea, London's pride and several other plants (including celandines Sad!) are all from my deceased mum's garden. An everlasting rockery wallflower from MIL's. Plus masses of tools and equipment from both their gardens. It keeps their memories in my my mind and I love it. I come across a particular pot or tool and recollect 'that was nana's' and I feel they're watching.

RE: Plants with Memories - SarrissUK - 23-06-2020

Definitely honeysuckle is the first thing that comes to mind. We had one near the front door where I grew up and the smell always brings me back there.

I have a rose that we bought in my beloved rottweiler Cerise's memory when she passed away. It's a beautiful yellow rose and ten years down the line, if not more, the rose is beautiful Smile

It's weird how some vegetables spark no memories in me at all, ever having tried them as a kid, nor seen in the shops back in Sweden. I know kale existed because I recall the name for it in Swedish, but I don't think I ever had it. The same with parsnips. Nope - not a zilch of memories of them.

Carrots on the other hand, I remember pulling them out of my mum's veg plot, rubbing off the dirt and eating them without even washing them first. Delicious.