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Theme song - Printable Version

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Theme song - Veggie - 08-01-2025

Do you have a song which is meaningful for you? You can change the words as appropriate!

As I walked into Aldi this morning, my song popped into my mind and I can't get rid of it now!

"The minute you walked in the shop,
I could see you liked reductions
A real No Spender.
Scruffy looking, face so lined,
I'd kinda like to know what's going on in your mind

So let me get straight to the point
I don't open my purse
For every bargain I see
Hey No Spender, spend a little money on me.

RE: Theme song - JJB - 08-01-2025

Ear worm. Shirley Bassey your local girl. There are many songs that have meaning but none I've changed the words to. I haven't got the creative gene.

RE: Theme song - Small chilli - 08-01-2025

Only one song. It’s a Christmas song and I can’t take the credit for the changing of the words.
It’s Cliff Richards mistletoe & wine.

My Grandad changed the line children singing Christian rhyme. To children drinking whiskey and wine.
Which I found hilarious. Especially as Sir Cliff was my aunties favourite singer and it used to really wind her up.
I still sing Grandads version when ever I hear it.