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2025 - the Garden Balance Sheet - Printable Version

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2025 - the Garden Balance Sheet - Veggie - 29-12-2024

A thread to record what you've spent on gardening and the value of the crops you've grown in 2025. 
There are no rules, do it in anyway that works for you. 
Its not a competition, just a way to get an idea of how much you spend on seeds, compost, plants, sundries and structures compared to the value of the food or other crops that your garden gives you in return. 
Feel free to share the ways in which you are measuring the costs and benefits. All the more ideas the better. [Image: biggrin.png]
I suggest we post our Balance Sheet at the end of each month to keep an eye on it!

The 2024 thread -

RE: 2025 - the Garden Balance Sheet - Small chilli - 05-02-2025

Forgot we’re into the second month of the year already!

I’m going with the same method as last year because it worked for me.
I’m comparing my produce price to Tesco mid range or a product as close to what I’m actually harvesting. If not available at Tesco it’ll be the first web search I find. This will be stated on my balance sheet. This will be from what I harvest this year. Not any previously frozen or dried produce.

As for purchase. Cost of the items will include P&P where applicable.

January balance
Produce 56p
Purchase £ 52.05.

RE: 2025 - the Garden Balance Sheet - JJB - 05-02-2025

Very detailed SC, I'm impressed. I'm inclined to go with what I did last year, like Veggie, 50p a portion of home grown produce set against purchases Inc p&p.

I find it difficult enough to scribble down the veg we eat each evening without having to research the Tesco price. I'm including frozen and fresh stuff as it's eaten rather than as I freeze/harvest. Come the bean and courgette season I just can't keep up with recording produce weights.

Having said that, I'll probably fall by the wayside just as I did last year. Talk about setting myself up to fail Big Grin

RE: 2025 - the Garden Balance Sheet - Veggie - 01-03-2025

Playing catchup:-

Bought £0.00
Produce £5.00. (salad leaves and 3 cornered leeks)

Bought £ 43.79 (10x 30ltr tubs, Seeds from Wales Seed Hub & Seed Parade)
Produce £ £2.50 (salad leaves)

Balance O/S £36.29

RE: 2025 - the Garden Balance Sheet - Small chilli - 01-03-2025

No produce
Purchases £3.29

Produce 56p
Purchases £55.34

RE: 2025 - the Garden Balance Sheet - SarrissUK - 05-03-2025

January and February
Purchases: Compost £10
Produce: Nothing yet.