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Samphire grass - Printable Version

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Samphire grass - Small chilli - 16-06-2024

Help please. I’m trying to find out when I can start harvesting my samphire grass. All I can find is when to pick it in the wild. I can find nothing about when to harvest it from plants grown from seed. If anyone can help it’d be very much appreciated.


It’s a little bigger than this now. Photo taken last week.

Actually after just looking at this photo again it almost doubled since this was taken

RE: Samphire grass - Veggie - 16-06-2024

No idea , sorry but I would leave them to bulk up a bit before taking any.

RE: Samphire grass - JJB - 16-06-2024

Aren't they novel, pretty little fingers popping up. I've no answers for you SC, I've never seen it growing before.

RE: Samphire grass - Small chilli - 17-06-2024

I’ve just found this after having another look. Just in case anyone else wants to have a go growing it  Big Grin .

No idea how I worded my last search for information.

RE: Samphire grass - Veggie - 17-06-2024

I spotted that one ^^^ too but, apart from saying pick it between June & August, it doesn't say anything about how much to pick (or leave).

RE: Samphire grass - Small chilli - 17-06-2024

You’re quite right Veggie. It doesn’t give that very important bit of information. The wild foraging pages are best for telling you how.

I’m going to leave a couple of stems completely untouched. So it definitely re seeds itself. Because my 15- 18 stems (I rarely manage to count the same number twice! ) are the result of a whole packet of seeds.

RE: Samphire grass - Veggie - 17-06-2024

Does Samphire grow on the coast near you? There was some in the estuary near my cottage down west but I only picked a bit to nibble on, never actually enough to eat properly. With hindsight, maybe I should have!

RE: Samphire grass - Small chilli - 17-06-2024

I don’t think we have much if any around Mull.

RE: Samphire grass - toomanytommytoes - 19-06-2024

My brother got me a selection of herbs for my birthday and I got one pot of samphire. It's been sitting in a bucket of water for a few weeks and hasn't died yet!

I'm interested to see how you get on. I was thinking of growing it Kratky-hydroponic style, with extra some salt in the water.

RE: Samphire grass - Small chilli - 19-06-2024

I’m very happy with it so far. I found more seeds yesterday. Which pleased me. I thought I’d sown them all. (Turns out it was the stevia that I’d sown the whole packet, same style packet) it say to sow spring or autumn so I’ll sow the rest of the packet later in the year. I’m interested to see if it bushes out a little after it’s first harvest last night. It tasted amazing. Definitely need to grow more. The few stems I harvested was only 10g.