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Words that "could" be plant names - Printable Version

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Words that "could" be plant names - Veggie - 20-07-2022

On the Flowers beginning with H thread, that SC started today, all I could think of was Halitosis!!

Halitosis flowerbuds are a pretty pink and white when closed.  When the buds open, it reveals its yellow and black spotted interior with a slightly furry stamen.  Its one to observe from a distance as the stench of the Halitosis flower is attractive only to blowflies and dung beetles. 
Don't like your neighbours? Plant this next to their fence and they won't bother you for long. 

Seeds are on sale from your usual ripoff supplier.

RE: Words that "could" be plant names - Vinny - 20-07-2022

The Mugwump is a rare bog plant which is very aloof. It is over 6 foot high so tends to look down on you. It sometimes has lots of little mugwumps growing around its base but they all look up to the main plant as if paying homage.It is a capital crime to chop down a mugwump so be careful when walking near to one!
 The Azrecs revered the plant but wouldn't venture into the swamp it was growing in, in case it entangled them in its roots. Being a carnivourus plant it stinks around its base where the remains of small animals and the odd Aztec lie decomposing. Big Grin

RE: Words that "could" be plant names - Mark_Riga - 20-07-2022

The hiccup; spread easily and when it starts it is sometimes very hard to stop.

RE: Words that "could" be plant names - Veggie - 20-07-2022

Grow Pandemonium if you want a riot of colour in your garden. Spreads easily and is the only plant, besides bamboo, that a panda will eat.