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Festive Funnies - Printable Version

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RE: Festive Funnies - Vinny - 13-03-2024

Made me laugh anyway. Big Grin

RE: Festive Funnies - Vinny - 26-03-2024

Not festive but very apt! Smile

RE: Festive Funnies - Moth - 31-03-2024

Happy Easter everyone Smile


RE: Festive Funnies - MartinH - 31-03-2024


RE: Festive Funnies - Vinny - 06-04-2024

Not funny,but how lucky can you get? Huh

RE: Festive Funnies - Small chilli - 21-04-2024


RE: Festive Funnies - Vinny - 29-04-2024

Maybe it's my sense of humour...............? Smile

RE: Festive Funnies - Veggie - 29-04-2024

Glad I'm not standing down wind. Big Grin

RE: Festive Funnies - Vinny - 02-05-2024

Sneaky Kato! Big Grin

RE: Festive Funnies - Veggie - 02-05-2024


Looks to me like they're at the Vets, not the Doctors!!