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Full Version: A Multitude of Cress
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Its cold so I've been playing with seed packets (again).
I've found a few different types of "Cress" :- Plain, Curled, Fine curled, Curly, Extra Curled, Iranian/Persian, Greek. (Land cress and Water cress too but I'm not counting those this time).
How much difference there is between these, I know not! They all seem to be recommended for growing the same way. Trays on windowsills sort of thing.
BUT what are the adult plants like. What would happen if they were left to grow, flower, seed and so on. How quickly would they re-seed? What do they look like as mature plants? Are they invasive like Bittercress? 

I asked the Duckduck who came up with some interesting info about Persian Cress - as well as being edible its also useful for flower arrangements and can be used fresh or dried. It grows faster than wrinkled cress which is also used in arrangements.
There's a video at The plants are much bigger and sturdier than I expected!
I’ve grown cress to flowering. Like you I wanted to know. My little experimental plant got to about 12” tall and was very spindly. With tiny white flowers. Don’t think I gave it a fair chance at growing because I never potted it on. It just stayed in a 3” pot. So it might have done better with a little more care.

I’ve grown the standard cress and curly cress. Personally I prefer curly, just because it has bigger leaves. As for flavour. Don’t think there’s much difference.
This is interesting for the florists

Scarlet has a thread about Dragon cress
Just sown some Greek Cress on wet paper towels. See how this lot turn out!