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Full Version: 2024 - What I did today
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Up at 7.30! Absolutely unheard of these days. Men coming to replace fascias outside for four or five days, there goes my lie ins. Had to move four water butts and various detritus so men could work. Man coming this afternoon to fit some blinds so have to move heavy furniture away from windows. So not surprisingly I'm escaping and going out to lunch with my pals but I'm not allowed out till I've helped with furniture moving.
Today was mostly levelling and building from scratch new floor for the shed. Hopefully finished the whole thing tomorrow. So much other stuff to do!
Nothing doing this morning - too wet - but managed another attack on the Vinca and brambles this afternoon. Little by little, little me will win. Big Grin
Potted on toms, cucs and courgettes.
Lots of flower picking yesterday and planting out anything I could dig a hole for.
I was hoping to do the same today but its so cold... maybe some potting on in a bit.
Lifted some old pond liner that's been covering a patch of couch grass for months. Delighted to see that the grass has died off and I was able to rake out the roots. Not so pleased to see all the mouse/rat tunnels though!
Tied up some raspberry canes.
Pruned some dead wood out of a weigela which has started to flower. I leave it until there are leaves so that I don't chop out the living wood.
Pulled up more Vinca and chopped more brambles.
Only garden related jobs today have been putting cane topper on all the canes in the tunnel. And shutting down the heated propagator for the year.
Just some more Vinca pulling. Its actually quite satisfying when you clear a patch, as long as you don't look at the patches that need to be cleared next.
Yesterday I put up my sweet pea canes and a runner bean teepee. If only it would warm up enough to plant something!
Cut back the overwintered, scented pelargoniums. I'll take some cuttings from them to refresh them.
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