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I bought a Lathyrus Latifolius on impulse from Aldi the other day. They appear to be a perennial sweet pea? I have read that they can be a bit of a thug and rapidly take over?
 The two options I was thinking are to let it scramble through a rhododendron or to build an obelisk for it? I already have an eight foot obelisk that I made for a wild honeysuckle and may make a similar thing out of scrap wood for the Lathyrus.

Anyone else grow this and any tips would be appreciated?
I have some that I leave to do their own thing, scrambling through a grapevine and various flowers. They can get a bit scruffy at the end of the year when the stems turn brown and you need to cut them back then. They're pretty but not as flamboyant as annual sweet peas and, sadly, they're unscented.
I’m growing it for the first time this year. I’m keeping it in a pot so it’s a good size for the new garden.
I have an eight foot high garden obelisk which I made myself from scrap 2 x 2 timber with slaters laths tying the pyramid together. I already have a wild honeysuckle trained up it but wonder whether to plant the Lathyrus up the other side of the obelisk and let them scramble together?